“The Beacon" is a six-story landmark that comes to life at night with a visual experience of video, music and interactive elements. Weekly, monthly, quarterly events with live music, local produce, food trucks and family-friendly films at the Crescent Cinema.
Here are the top contractors, vendors, and local resources in our Lake Nona community magazine that you can trust right here in Lake Nona and surrounding towns.
- JMB Dance Academy | P: 407-412-2833 | W: jmbdanceacademy.com | IG: jmbdanceacademy
- Step in Motion Dance Center E:Stepinmotiondancecenter@gmail.com | IG: @stepinmotiondancecenter
FB: StepinMotionDance | P: 689-215-2213 | W: www.stepinmotiondance.com
- Encore Dance Studio | P: 407-730-2932 | IG: encorestudiofl | W: www.encorestudiofl.com
- Wild Florida | W: wildfl.com | IG: wildfloridairboats
- Theatre In The Cloud | St Cloud First Community Theatre | W: theatreinthecloud.com
- Mad Hombre Hot Sauce | W: madhombre.com | IG: madhombrehotsauce
- Loading Gastro Brunch | P: 407-593-0233 | W: loadinggastrobrunch.com
- Canoe Creek Nutrition | P: 407-790-8178 | IG: canoecreeknutrition
- Baker - Delight-Full Confections | IG: delightfullconfections
- OG Fitness | P: 407-498-4313 | W: ogfitnessfl.com | IG: ogfitnessfl
- Trainer Humberto Soto - Fitness CF | C: 352-223-4957 | P: 407-957-2622
- KeyLife Fitness | E: info@keylifefitness.com | W: www.keylifefitness.com | IG: keylifefitnessfl
- Sabrina - Body Unique - Trainer/Dietitian | P: 407-572-6437 | E: bodyunique19@gmail.com
- Peaceful Living - Kristine Mind/Body Yoga Instructor | C: 704-579-4873 | IG: KRPeacefullLiving
- Lightly Salted Spa - Lake Nona | IG: lightlysaltedspa | P: 407-250-4062 | W: lightlysaltedspa.com
- Pure Barre Lake Nona | P: 407-821-8111 | IG: purebarrelakenona | W: purebarre.com
- St Cloud Health Foods - Not Just A Vitamin Store | Aldi/Staples Plaza | P: 407-892-1962
- Outdoor Escapes | P: 407-456-7000 | W: orlandoescapesfl.com | IG: outdoorescapes_ap
- CDI Roofing: The Roofing Experts | P: 407-446-5186 | IG: damiantheroofguy
- Orlando Trimlight| P: 407-777-1125 | W: trimlightorlando.com | IG: orlando_trimlight
- Hamlet's Painting LLC | P: 407-690-3992 | W: hamletspainting.com | IG: hamlets_painting_llc
- Caban Services LLC | P: 407-680-9373 | E: cabanservicesllc@gmail.com | IG: cabanservicesllc
- Psalms Lawn Care | P: 407-205-7424 | W: psalmslawncareflorida.com | IG: psalmslawncare
- Garage Doors By Soho Stone | P: 407-821-0827 | W: garagedoorsbysohostone.com
- Columbia Tile & Grout Services | P: 407-371-9770 | E: cwilson@ColumbiaTileAndGrout.com
- Inventus Water Systems | P: 305-491-1086
- FloriTurf, Inc | P: 407-498-0203 | E: Office.FloriTurfSodInc@yahoo.com
- K&A Garbage Bin Cleaning | P: 407-707-6405 | IG: KandABinCleaning
- Home Restoration Exchange | P: 407-587-0738 | W: homerestorationexchange.com
- Belles Mobile Car Wash | P: 407-494-2596 | IG: belles_mobile_carwash
- Ancillotti Pavers | P: 407-675-1304 W: www.ancillottipavers.com IG: @ancillottipavers
- Magical Cleanings LLC | P: 904-872-5724 W: magicalcleanings.com | IG: magicalcleaningsfl
- GreatFlorida Insurance | P: 877-292-2240 | W: lakenona.greatflorida.com
- Comparion Insurance Agency | Marangely Baez | P: 689-808-5597
- Healthcare Solutions Team - Kim Kirsch | P: 407-870-3462 | E: kkirsch@myhst.com
- Old Fashion Cigar Lounge | IG: oldfashioncigar | W: oldfashioncigar.com
- The Mortgage Market | P: 407-935-9511 | E: donna@mortgagemarketfinancial.com
- Doody Patrol | P: 407-392-3458 | W: doody-patrol.com | IG: doody_patrol
- Paul Reynolds - Piano Teacher | C: 704-579-4872 | E: paurey863@aol.com
- Mater Academy St Cloud | P: 407-325-0762 | IG: materstcloud | W: materstcloud.com
- Deb Thirkelson - Agent| C: 734-502-0264 | E: info@anchoryourdreamstravel.com
- Ryan Caroli - Realtor | P: 201-264-6254 | IG: the_spiritual_realtor
- Balleste & Levy, PA | P: 305-275-0652 | E: bryan@bl-lawgroup.com
- Cortney Hudson | P: 321-624-1349 | E: cortney@realestatewithcortney.com
- Manuel Delgado | P: 407-738-5717 | E: manuel@manueldelgadohomes.com
- RPM Trusted Hands Property Management P: 407-794-6638 | W: www.RPMTrustedHands.com
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